The Book

You Can’t Get To Heaven If You Don’t Go To Church (or so they say) is a telling of a journey of seeking the deeper truths of the concept and tradition of modern ‘church’. After spending over 13 years in full-time church ministry, I started to wonder if there was more to what I was experiencing in what we call ‘church’. It has always been positioned as the center of a Christian’s life experience, but was failing to prove inspirational, or even necessary.

This book will take each reader thoroughly through history to bridge a mysteriously missing gap from the time of the early Christians and apostles, to what we have come to know as the modern ‘church’. In the theme of ‘re/ology’, it will explore the true meanings of traditions, concepts, words/phrases, and theology that has been passed down from generation to generation. Things we have generally taken for granted.

I’ve written this book with a focus of keeping it simple for anybody to read and understand. If you have ever felt a bit disillusioned with or even disenfranchised by church, I encourage you to come along with me on this journey of understanding more of what God intended for each Christian – who He is looking to use, how, and for what greater purpose.

The Author

Hi there, my name is Scott Johnson. Even though I am an ordained minister and have spent over 13 years in full-time ministry, I am not a classically trained theologian, nor do I have degrees in theology or the Bible. I simply came to a point in my life of wondering if there was more than what I was experiencing in the life of modern Christianity, and more specifically… the church.

I am a husband of more than 25 years, a father of over 21 years, and a follower of Jesus for over 30 years. That’s a lot of years! I love the simple things of life – a lazy hammock in the backyard, a cherry coke straight from the fountain, cartoons, drawing cartoons, Batman, talking about God, and doing really simple things with my family.

I have worked in a lot of areas in adult life – youth ministry, creative director, pizza deliverer, forklift operator, warehouse administrator, and graphic designer. God started teaching me a much deeper lesson in 2005 when I lost my job at a new church plant. Since then, it’s been a whirlwind! No doubt! A journey of rediscovery and trust. A life I never dreamed I’d be living. This adventure of learning led to a podcast, the creation of re/ology, and the writing of this book.