The Concept

What is re/ology?

This whole journey started with a simple question: “Why are we doing what we are doing?”

After years of full-time ministry, I wanted to know if there was more than what I was experiencing in the world and concept of “church”. Why did Christianity in the book of Acts look so different from what we experience in our modern culture? 

Those questions led to a podcast, which led to a book, and then led to a nonprofit ministry/organization.

re/ology is dedicated to assist those who have the same questions. To help those who are trying to navigate the wilderness of faith deconstruction. To teach those ready for the next step. And to equip Jesus disciple-makers with the tools needed to lead/start a new venture.

A service provided for free!

The ‘re/think church’ Series

2 Part YouTube Videos on Setting Things Right About ‘Church’

The Gospel According to Matthew

21 Century American Translation, 1st Edition

I’ve Got
A Question

The Book

Available Now on Amazon

The first book birthed from the Re/ology Podcast is finally here!

The word ‘church’ is universally used as the pinnacle of God’s plan through sending His son Jesus to earth. In this book, I am researching the use of the word church – it’s origin – what church means – and how it came to be used. Does it mean what we think it does and have been taught for centuries? Is its usage and concept actually in the Bible?

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The Podcast

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Episode 2: An Inherited Faith

In this episode, I share the issue of a shallow faith that is inherited from the generations before. It isn’t real, and it isn’t what God has in mind. It’s time to investigate the depths of God, Jesus, and the ekklesia. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

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Episode 3: Those done with church – the rise of the dones

In this episode, I share a concerning growing issue of Christians who are leaving the “church” but not leaving God. It’s time to investigate the depths of God, Jesus, and the ekklesia. Sources: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

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Episode 4: Where Did Sunday Morning Church Come From?

In this episode, I raise the questions: Are we supposed to meet on Sunday morning? And what are the elements of the “church” service all about? It’s time to investigate the depths of God, Jesus, and the ekklesia. Sources: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

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Episode 5: Taking The Lord’s Name In Vain

In this episode, I look at a very popular and commonly mis-interpreted phrase: Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. Resources: Francis Chan’s thoughts on taking the Lord’s name in vain. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

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Episode 6: The Guilt Gospel

This discussion is on the art of making people feel guilty for not going to church. Biblical -or- made up? Or just poor taste? Resources: Friendly Atheist Article Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

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